When results matter, there’s no room for error.

The right executive coaching will result in improved decision-making, strategic thinking and growth both personally and professionally. Coaching helps you see yourself as others do and see blind spots before they cause problems.

For proven results, unparalleled expertise and “out of the box” solutions, Socius Business Advisors Coaches  offer coaching with an edge. When it matters, trust the best and get the results you deserve.

Business Coaching Services

One-on-One Coaching
At the heart of the Business Coaching experience is the one-on-one session where core issues are addressed and real changes take place. These sessions provide the member and coach an opportunity to identify obstacles to the member success in their business, personal, and health. It is in this focused time that the ongoing trust and partnership develop which accelerate a client’s learning, performance & progress.

Why use an Executive Coach?

‘It’s lonely at the top’ is not merely a cliché. It’s the truth. It is also true that you can control how lonely you are.  ceocoaching3-thumb-580x435-46161The most powerful, successful leaders seek trusted confidantes or intimate peers. A masterful Business Coach can supply intelligent, insightful, directive and compassionate elements that will assist those at the highest leadership levels.

The survey of 200 CEOs, carried out by Stanford University/The Miles Group and reported in Harvard Business Review, looked at the attitudes of CEOs and their boards of directors to receiving leadership advice and coaching.

Both the CEOs themselves, and their boards, rated listening skills third in a list of areas for development – well above persuasion, motivation and team-building skills.

Senior Executives and Managers

In order for leaders to be truly effective, they must be strategic and respectful in the way they share knowledge so as to earn trust and build the desired reputation within their company and industry. A knowledgeable Business Coach can help executives learn to better communicate; delegate, mentor and more effectively develop themselves and their staffers.

Team Coaching
Henry Ford said, “Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success.”  Team coaching helps people understand how to work better with others. It’s an effective method for showing teams how to reduce conflict and improve their working relationships. The team can then focus on its real work, and achieve its objectives.  People must learn to work together and understand how to relate to one another – otherwise the team’s output will be less than it could be.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners
While entrepreneurs are often among the most visionary of business people, they frequently lack the down-to-earth abilities to parlay their passions into the next level of growth. That’s where an expert Business Coach comes in – helping them to gain new understanding, depth and wisdom in order to go to the next level of success for themselves and their companies.

Family Business Owners
Family-owned businesses are complex, integrated systems of family relationships battling the pressures of the marketplace. These forces create unique issues and problems that are different from those experienced in non-family owned or managed companies.  Socius Business Advisors help clients work through a broad spectrum of challenges that can limit the success of their family-owned business. Issues can include succession, conflict, corporate governance, strategy,  and communication problems. Additionally,  If you are seriously considering exiting your business by selling to a third party, Socius Business Advisors can help you with several steps you should take that can lead to maximizing what you take home after the sale.

Managing a Merger

An estimated 83% of acquisitions fail to achieve their financial and strategic goals. Buyers often overlook three danger areas. They fail to anticipate the predictable dynamics of change, don’t know how to organizationally “gear” new people and talents, and ignore impending culture clashes. Having a seasoned Business Coach on your side is one key way to avoid these classic pitfalls.

Individuals in Transition
Often the most vulnerable but beneficial times in life are those that are ‘in-between.’ Whether you’ve decided to do a career jump-shift, have been outsourced or down-sized, want to try something new or get started on the original dream, it’s an ideal time to engage a Business Coach to lead you through the process.

Executive Peer Advisory Groups              Our senior partners are certified  Business Coaches.  They work with senior business leaders helping them make better decisions…They can help your group achieve better results and each executive receives monthly one-on-one executive coaching.  As a result you get… better decisions…better results!